About Us


Granite is an Igneous Stone.

INANI SNOW STONE PVT. LTD. is a leading manufacturer of premium-quality granite products. The factory boasts the latest technology and equipment for cutting, polishing, and shaping raw granite into beautiful, durable countertops, flooring, and other architectural elements. The factory's skilled workforce is dedicated to producing high-quality products that meet the exacting standards of architects, builders, and homeowners. INANI SNOW STONE PVT. LTD. is known for its attention to detail, timely delivery, and exceptional customer service. The granite products produced at the factory are a perfect blend of beauty, strength and durability.

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Natural Stone Library

Blalji mining company specializes in the extraction of large blocks of high-quality black granite. The company operates several mines in a region known for its rich deposits of this unique and durable stone. The mining process is carried out using advanced techniques and equipment, ensuring that the granite blocks are extracted safely and efficiently. The large granite blocks mined at the Z-Black mines are highly sought after for their unique black color and durability, making them a popular choice for large-scale architectural projects such as monuments, building facades, and public spaces. The company places a strong emphasis on safety and environmental sustainability, ensuring minimal impact on the surrounding area. The mining operation is closely monitored to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations. The mining process is also closely tied to the manufacturing process at the Z-Black granite factory, ensuring a steady supply of raw material for the production of premium-quality granite products..

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KISHANGARH is the bigest marble mandi of ASIA. The Kishangarh marble area was developed by Kishangarh marble association. More than 9000 marble selling units are situated in the market with an investment of Rs. 5000 Crore (approx). and around 600 Gangsaw are established and maufacturing marble slabs & tiles. This sector has employed near about fifty thousand direct & indirect labours.

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Advantages of Granite

granite can add beauty, color and value to any home or business. Most granite is imported from Africa, Brazil, Europe and other countries rich in natural stone. It is a very special stone is very durable because they never scratches, cracks or bubbles, which is the ideal choice for many home owners and chefs of the world.

Kitchens are usually the main focal point of every home and tend to be one of the biggest selling points with the housepurchasers. With the addition of granite for your kitchen, you can give your home that look of luxury that no other material can be overcome. If you decide to sell your home, you'll be glad you installed granite, because the return on investment it receives

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Z-Black Granite

Z black Granite Is Known As Absolute Black Granite . It Is A Finest Quality of Black Granite. It as Absolute Pure Black . it has no Dots , no Spot , No Lines and no Figure. Genraly its Supply is Very Short & Price is too high .

Z black Granite Is Starting From 150 Rs Sq Feet To 350 Rs sq Feet. Price Are Depand On Their Size, Colour, Figure Design, & Pattern. If You Have Any Question In Your Mind Then Please Mail To This Mail ID info@kishangarhgranite.in Or Call 098292-99633. We Will Definitely Give You A Better Reply As Soon As Possible

We Are One of the Most Preferred Organizations Offering Superior Quality Z Black Granite. We Are Engaged As Black Granite Mines Owner, Manufacturer, Supplier And Exporter (World-Wide) Since 1991. We Are Speclist In all varity of Black Granite.

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black granite
White granite
Green granite
Red granite
Brown granite
imported granite